happy monday menomena

Happy Monday. We’re back from a rousing time in Portland over the past two weekends including the Apes on Tape 100K Party and MusicFestNW 2012. Today’s pick comes from an MFNW2012 performer, Menomena. Now, Menomena has been one of the best bands in Portland over the past decade. However, in the fall of 2010, founding member Brent Knopf quit the band. As a former trio, this obviously has a huge impact on the band. Remaining members Danny Seim and Justin Harris have continued with Menomena and actually have a new album out next week. Anyhow, you should read a (possibly jaded) recount of the former-Menomena’s last days. It’s a very interesting read for any Menomena fan. This track was written by Brent Knopf.