lana del rey nirvana heart shaped box
‘m not sure I was ever in the “anger” phase regarding Lana Del Rey. Mostly, it’s just been a very entertaining spectacle to watch evolve. But I’m a little *rubbed the wrong way* that the PR/Buzz team behind LDR had her cover Nirvana’s “Heart Shaped Box” in Sydney last night. Not out of some misplaced, bs “protection” of that song or anything. But why is Lana, who’s never once mentioned Nirvana or Kurt, all of a sudden performing this? Seems to be another calculated headline grabbing attempt. Guess it worked though, cuz here I am. Anyhow, it’s not a shabby cover. Her voice is a bit off to me. But the instrumental section has a nice eerie take on the song. Just bizarre to watch…

5 thoughts on “Watch: Lana Del Rey covers Nirvana’s “Heart Shaped Box”

  1. “calculated headline grabbing attempt”?!
    Listen to her song “Oh say can you see” and maybe you can review what you said that she hasn’t mentioned about Nirvana before. LOL

    1. Ps: the original just came onto the jukebox at the watering hole I’m at the second after I replied to your comment. Serendipity…

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