Grizzly Bear’s 2012 LP effort Shields was one of the year’s finest and album track “gun-shy” was, personally, my favorite album on the track. Shields’ “Yet Again” got a video of its own a few months back. “gun-shy” got it’s own today. The detailed video features the band members extracting small bits of their bodies in a creative, yet sometimes excruciating process. Director Kris Moyes shared the following up the concept:
This is an invitation for a very rare glimpse of what creative energy could look like on a molecular level. Is this is where their music comes from? Of course this hypothesis would not hold much weight in the various scientific circles, but, it is a good question to ask. Science has tried unsuccessfully to explain where creativity comes from. Why some humans have a creative drive and others do not, why this person can draw but does not have a musical ear, or why this person is better suited to the clarinet and not the guitar, and why some people can play every instrument they come into contact with.