While Radiohead fans wait in eager anticipation for Saturday and the release of the English band’s eight studio album, King of Limbs, here’s a little gem to keep you tided over until then. Originally proposed by Puddlegum, the “Binary Code” postulates that Radiohead’s Ok Computer (1997) and In Rainbows (2007) were intentionally and specifically meant to complement one another. As the theory goes, the albums were released ten years apart. Additionally, In Rainbows was released on October 10th (10/10). It has ten tracks, a title with ten letters and was available for download from ten servers (10-10-10). Moreover, the album was announced online just ten days before it’s release and the release was preceded by a number of nebolous messages repeatedly featuring the letter X (ie: “Xendless Xurbia” and “March Wa X”). X is of course the Roman Numeral for ten. If you also consider OK Computer‘s thematic elements as well as it’s original title (Zeroes and Ones), the theory holds more wait.
After the release of Puddlegum’s theory, someone close to Thom Yorke wrote PG with the following message:
“The meaning behind all of this is right in front of our faces, we’re just overlooking it. [Thom] has been expecting an article much like this one for a couple of years, as have I. But I’m willing to wager he’ll have fun waiting a few more. On the other hand, it seems to annoy him that no one ‘gets it’ yet, given the mountain of clues.”
Cutting to the chase, to hear the supposed full album, you begin with the first song of Ok Computer, followed by the first song of In Rainbows. You continue to alternate the tracks from each album, or just check out the playlist below. Whether Radiohead’s genius continues to be revealed with this theory or their fans just have too much time, the playlist does have phenomenal transitions and consistency. Listen for yourself and decide.
1. Airbag (OK Computer)
2. 15 Step (In Rainbows)
3. Paranoid Android (OK Computer)
4. Bodysnatchers (In Rainbows)
5. Subterranean Homesick Alien (OK Computer)
6. Nude (In Rainbows)
7. Exit Music (For A Film) (OK Computer)
8. Weird Fishes/Arpeggi (In Rainbows)
9. Let Down (OK Computer)
10. All I Need (In Rainbows)
11. Karma Police (OK Computer)
12. Fitter Happier (OK Computer)
13. Faust Arp (In Rainbows)
14. Electioneering (OK Computer)
15. Reckoner (In Rainbows)
16. Climbing Up The Walls (OK Computer)
17. House Of Cards (In Rainbows)
18. No Surprises (OK Computer)
19. Jigsaw Falling Into Place (In Rainbows)
20. Lucky (OK Computer)
21. Videotape (In Rainbows)
22. The Tourist (OK Computer)