If you haven’t yet heard Empress Of‘s Me album from last year, it’s highly recommended doing so. The ten track album from New York’s Lorely Rodriguez found it’s way onto many year end lists for good reasons. Today, Rodriguez shared a previously unreleased B-side track from the Me recording sessions.
Empress Of “Woman Is A Word” features Rodriguez’ emphatic vocals over a repetitive yet hypnotic steel drum beat. It’s a catchy track that will likely echo on in your head after a singe listen. You can find the lyrics for the song below. Rodriguez shared the following about “Woman Is A Word”:
Sometimes as a songwriter and a human, I feel very restricted by words. One word can have so much social implication, standard, limitation, qualification that it doesn’t give a person their own opportunity to really choose their identity. I wrote ‘Woman Is A Word’ at a time when I felt like the word ‘woman’ put me in a box of things I was capable to do, things that defined me that didn’t necessarily define me.