I’ve had a number of long drives to make in the last few days, and I’ve had the luxury of XM radio to keep me company. Amidst the sea of repeats or dial turners, I came upon Electric Guest’s “This Head I Hold” track. It’s incredibly dancey, instantly catchy and features a great mix of Motown, falsetto and up-tempo swing. Let me put it this way: within the first 10 seconds of hearing it, I was already Shazaming it. Anyhow, Electric Guest has now announced a full length album titled Mondo, which will be out on April 24 via Downtown Records. Additionally, Electric Guest will be doing a residency at LA’s Echo Club for each of the Mondays in February (sans the first one). They have a handful of live dates after that as well. Give them a listen.
This Head I Hold by ElectricGuest
Electric Guest Tour Dates
3/10 -The Green Room – Flagstaff, AZ
3/11- Santa Fe Sol, Santa Fe, NM
3/13-Club Dada- Dallas, TX
3/14-3/17-Austin, SXSW
3/19-The Lowbrow Palace-El Paso, TX
3/20-Club Congress-Tucson, AZ
3/21-Sail Inn-Phoenix, AZ