Das Racist members Heems and Kool AD (aka Himanshu Suri & Victor Vazquez) have had a busy 2012, though mostly separately. Kool AD released his own 51 mixtape this Spring, and a video for track “Piñata“. Heems was busy with his Greedhead Label while releasing two mixtapes, Nehru Jackets and Wild Water Kingdom. Collectively, they did release a new video for “Girl“, remix Lana Del Rey and rap with Talib Kweli. But, now, it seems they’re parting ways. According to Pitchfork, Heems told a Munich crowd that, “You guys wanna know the secret? Alright, so I’m going to do some Das Racist songs, but Das Racist is breaking up and we’re not a band anymore.” Kool AD later shared “for the record i quit das racist 2 months ago and was asked by our manager not to announce it yet. apparently @himanshu wanted to do it tho.”
So, guess they are done. Which is a bummer, as they made some incredible mixtapes. Check out Sit Down, Man and Shut Up, Dude. As constellation, the time I got on stage and mic checked before their set (before being thrown off) at SXSW this year seems even more worthwhile. RIP, Das Racist.