Following the first leg of the Outside Lands 2012 roadtrip, the journey continued from the northern coast of Oregon southward into California by way of Highway 101. For this leg, I met my new travel partners who had booked it on an all-night travel bender from Washington down to meet me. In fact, one of them actually played a show that night. After some 5-Hour Energies, munchies and some vomiting, they arrived (very impressively) at around 9AM. At this point, I took the wheel and we set out down 101. Passing the tourist trap of the Tillamook Cheese Factory, we entered one of the longest inland stretches of the 101 in Oregon. This stretch passes through Beaver, Oregon and I’m always amazed at the either A) shameless humor of the town’s residents or B) their cluelessness when naming stores like “The Beaver Delicatessen”, “Beaver Oil & Lube”, “Beaver Eatery”, etc. Anyhow, we reconvened with the Pacific just south of Pacific City, OR for some amazing weather and seaside views (pic below).
From here on out, the going gets pretty desolate. While some of the most beautiful, dramatic and green coastline in America presents itself, towns are pretty few and far between. And they’re tidy, quaint and fairly self-insulated at that. As the coastline began to turn steeper and more rugged as we approached California, the bridges across the harbors in Newport, Depot Bay, etc were equally as impressive. If you’ve got some free time, watch the History Channel’s Madern Marvels on Highway 101 to have your mind blown. Hats off to the dudes confident enough in their own understanding of the laws of physics to build these massive bridges spanning across crazy waterways. Moving along, the weather turned Californian and we couldn’t resist taking a frigid dip in the Pacific just north of the Oregon/CA border. As a small creek poured helplessly into the Pacific, we found a perfect spot to break up the trip and our growing cabin fever. It’s quite the feeling to trace the very edge of a continent and then plunge into the waters marking its end. As we got back in the car, a few miles passed and we arrived into Crescent City, the Golden State and Redwood country.
More to come on that brilliant adventure soon…