Well if you think you’ve finally kicked your Seasonal Affective Disorder and moved past the winter blues, have we got a video for you. I most definitely dig Sun Kil Moon, but this new vid is about as grey, dreary and dark as you can get while shooting natural scenes. I guess the name of the track is “Black Kite”…
Can’t beat a little bleakness on a hot summer day. Cools things down, so to speak.
Definitely true. Though it’s been raining for about 9 months up in the PNW, so I believe “#toosoon” may be employable here…
Also, dig your “Happy Music Fridays”. We do a “Happy Monday” series
Sorry for the late reply on this. My blog has been slipping as of late and I just saw this…but any day is a happy day when music involved. 🙂