trails and ways "skeleton"

Oakland’s Trails and Ways recently announced they’ve signed to Barsuk Records and today we’ve got the first track from their upcoming album. Trails’ debut Pathology LP will arrive on June 2 via Barsuk. Having watched the band release singles, covers, tour and forge away in drummer Ian Quirk’s bedroom, it’s excellent to see their efforts come to fruition with Pathology. You can stream Trails and Ways “Skeletons”, the first single from Pathology, below. Trails shared the inception of “Skeletons” as well:

The song’s origin is from a dream our rhythm guitarist Keith had. Basically, he was in a club hanging with Drake; Drizzy was wearing a gold Lycra suit and on acid. Suddenly the dream fast-forwarded a thousand years to what was left of the club on an ecologically collapsed earth. Then it spun back to our current time on the dance floor, but nobody else was there for Keith to talk to or warn about what he’d seen.

You can pre-order Pathology here.

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