trails and ways "say you will"

Trails and Ways “Say You Will”

As the June 2 release of their debut LP approaches, Oakland’s Trails and Ways has shared a second track from the album. Trails and Ways “Say You Will” follows previously released Pathology album track “Skeletons“. Where “Skeletons” emerged from a dream guitarist/synth player Keith Browner Brown had about Drake and an ecological apocalypse, “Say You Will” is based […]

trails and ways "skeleton"

Trails and Ways “Skeleton”

Oakland’s Trails and Ways recently announced they’ve signed to Barsuk Records and today we’ve got the first track from their upcoming album. Trails’ debut Pathology LP will arrive on June 2 via Barsuk. Having watched the band release singles, covers, tour and forge away in drummer Ian Quirk’s bedroom, it’s excellent to see their efforts come to […]