radiation city zombies

Radiation City “Zombies”

Radiation City has readied their newest LP Animals in the Median for release on May 21 via Portland’s Tender Loving Empire. Just recently, they debuted the first track from Animals, titled “Foreign Bodies“. They’ve shared another new song called “Zombies” today. An initial listen brought to mind the term “space”, both for the room Rad City gives Lizzy Ellison […]

pickwick san francisco independent

Pickwick, Radiation City, Sandys @ San Francisco Photos & Review

As bands continue to pack up and set their GPS for Austin, Texas & SXSW 2013, Seattle’s Pickwick, Portland’s Radiation City and Sandy’s visited San Francisco’s The Independent Friday night. After years of carefully crafting their tunes, Pickwick will release their much anticipated debut LP Can’t Talk Medicine this Tuesday. Having heard it already, I’ve had it […]