Jack White “Just One Drink”

Perennial rock master Jack White follows up his 2012 solo debut album Blunderbuss with Lazaretto on June 10 via Third Man Records. White dropped instrumental shred fest and album track “High Ball Stepper” already. He’s tossed out “Just One Drink” to accompany the former. This one’s got a bit more of a 70’s Rolling Stone vibe. Have a listen […]

2012 Grammy Award Nominations

Ladies & gents, as the 2012 “Albums of the Year” lists start trickling in, the Grammy Awards have announced their own lists. You know, kudos to the Grammy’s for creating a “playoff” for year end list winners. First, they get the nomination buzz. Then they create a whole weekend to determine the winner. Anyhow, full […]

Watch: Jack White “I’m Shakin” video

Jack White’s got another new video out from his Blunderbuss album, released earlier this year. The new clip is for “I’m Shakin”. As the image above suggests, it features Jack White and his band goin head to head with…Jack White and his band. It’s a visually pleasing video, for sure. Watch below, plus the previously released […]