Hinds Warsaw Brooklyn

Hinds @ Warsaw in Brooklyn

Madrid’s Hinds packed Warsaw in Brooklyn this Friday, as the group continued their second North American tour of the year. Earlier this spring, we hosted Hinds at our Treefort Showcase during their intial tour behind their excellent 2016 full length release Leave Me Alone. While Brooklyn’s keen scene might make for an exaggerated barometer, Friday night’s attendance and fervor showed […]

Five Most Memorable Moments at Treefort Fest 2016

Five Most Memorable Moments of Treefort 2016

As Boise, Idaho’s Treefort Music Fest wrapped up this Sunday night, it marks an incredible run for the festival. This year symbolized a milestone for the Treefort team, as they successfully passed the five year mark. It’s surreal to reflect back on those initial meetings–filled with a healthy mix of hope and anxiety–before Treefort’s fledgling, inaugural festival in […]