sisters "buzzard" (cuff lynx remix)

Earlier this fall, we shared a pair of tracks from one of Seattle’s finer new bands this year. 206’s Sisters crafted some well-loved cuts with “Back To You” and “Buzzard” that are worth acquainting yourself with. This morning, we are excited to premiere a new remix of Sisters “Buzzard” by fellow Seattleites Cuff Lynx.

 For those keeping tabs on the burgeoning Pacific Northwest electronic scene of the past few years, Cuff Lynx make for a new addition to the club. Fans of ODESZA, Beat Connection, or Manatee Commune should be right at home with Cuff Lynx’s brand of analog-inspired electronic. If you’re new to any of that, Cuff Lynx’ remix simply infuses deep grooves and upbeat vibes into an accessible Sisters track. I, for one, am legit excited to see what comes next from the duo.

If you’re in the Northwest, you can catch Cuff Lynx touring with Boise’s Magic Sword this January. Tour dates and ticket links are listed below.

Cuff Lynx Tour Dates w/ Magic Sword
1/16: Portland – Doug Fir Lounge – Tickets
1/17: Bellingham – Wild Buffalo – Tickets
1/18: Seattle – BARBOZA – Tickets
2/6: Seattle: Neumo’s – Tickets
Stream Sisters “Buzzard” (Cuff Lynx Remix)

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