Naked Giants "Pyramids"

One of the young bands were most excited about at this year’s Treefort Fest is Naked Giants. For those unfamiliar with Naked Giants, the Seattle trio of Grant Mullen, Henry LaVallee, and Gianni Aiello forge the type of high octane, raucous, raw garage jams your mind’s eye would easily picture in a basement packed with sweaty, thrashing bodies. Yet Naked Giants’ new “Pyramids” forgoes any of the sloppy, awkward elements associated with that scene, both in musical execution and production. Fellow Seattleites Kithkin (RIP) and Dude York are not distant signposts. And Naked Giants will be on tour this spring with the latter.

The band shared the following about the track:

An important part of this song can actually only be seen live: the original Gianni Aiello (bassist) pyramids dance. you see, between the robotic pulse of the rhythm and the monotony of the single note being played ad nauseam, Gianni found himself itching for something more human to do while playing. and thus he began shaking his hips and tapping his foot with his back turned to the audience like a regular Jim Morrison without the leather pants. and, to build the suspense, he’ll jump to face a different direction for each line of the verse, finally facing the audience full on when the chorus kicks in. a real sight to be seen.

You can catch Naked Giants at 5pm on Friday of our Treefort Showcase. Stream Naked Giants’ “Pyramids” below.

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