By: Tom Roth
These days, Seattlies are wary.
For the superstitious, any disturbance could be the straw that breaks the proverbial camel’s back, bringing this divine summer to a grinding halt. A solitary unearned run by the currently-flawless Mariner’s or the neighborhood barista offering pumpkin flavoring could be the harbinger that The Endless Summer, the Summer of Seattle, nigh, the Emerald Summer is drawing to a close.
The silver-lining to the inevitable goodbye to August is the PNW’s premiere single-site urban music festival: Bumbershoot, taking place Labor Day Weekend at Seattle Center. Beneath the benevolent Space Needle, headliners Wu Tang Clan, The Head and the Heart, and Foster the People will be rocking Saturday, Sunday, and Monday nights, respectively.
Of course, these acts are simply the cream cheese on the famously complex (and delicious) Seattle Dog. Other big names include Elvis Costello, J. Cole, Panic! At the Disco, Schoolboy Q, Neon Trees, Afghan Whigs, Capital Cities, Danny Brown, and more.
Naturally, any Northwest festival would be incomplete without local talent. For those attending, check out Fly Moon Royalty, RA Scion, Hobosexual, Cumulus, Pickwick, The Lonely Forest, Campfire OK, The Polyrhythmics, and La Luz.
Checkout the lineup here. You can still purchase tickets, $66 for any single day and $175 for all three days. Happy Bumbershoot!