Apes on Tape is a music blog founded in 2009 by Nick Peterson. It’s dedicated to shining the spotlight on talented independent musicians.
MP3 Usage: Apes on Tape’s usage of any audio and video is solely for the purpose of promoting music to fans whom otherwise would not have experienced it. If you own said media and would like it removed, just email nick [at] apesontape.com
LICENSE DISCLAIMER: By submitting any materials, whether photographic, musical or otherwise (the “Materials”), to Apes on Tape via its website, via email, SoundCloud or via mail, you are granting Apes on Tape a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual license to use the Materials, in whole or in part, on the website www.apesontape.com, as well as on any linked or otherwise affiliated websites (collectively the “Websites”). In addition, if you only submit musical material to Apes on Tape, you are granting Apes on Tape a non-exclusive, royalty free, perpetual license to obtain and use your name, likeness and biography on the Websites and hereby release Apes on Tape from any claim for violation of your rights, whether arising out of trademark, copyright, publicity, privacy or otherwise.