jai paul album

While the music world was attached to Coachella last night, enigmatic UK musician Jai Paul went ahead and dropped his much awaited debut album. Even more interesting, and perhaps true to form for the dude who’s largely stayed off the radar since getting on it, he dropped it on bandcamp without any song titles. For those unfamiliar with Jai, he released the sultry, incredible “Jasmine” track we shared earlier this spring. “BTSTU” is also incredible. Both of those original cuts are embedded below the album. You can stream the full debut and pick it up right hereNote: track 9 is “Jasmine” and track 16 is “BTSTU”.

Stream Jai Paul’s debut album.

Update: Jai Paul has remove the album and apparently said it wasn’t the official release. We’ll update you with more info soon.

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