Local Natives have taken a brief hiatus from recording their as-of-yet untitled second album for a quick tour with the National. Better yet, at the tour’s third concert in Seattle they shared new material from said new album. Watch 3:23 solid seconds of one new Natives’ track before some asshole tells me to use my “memory camera”. It begins with a slow duet between Kelcey Ayer (keys/aux percussion) and Taylor Rice (vocal) before gaining steam with additional vocal harmonies and full band support. Watch that song, a clip of another new track and “Wide Eyes” below.
Concerning details about the new songs and album, I spoke with drummer Matt Frazier briefly after the show. Frazier noted that the songs only had “fake names” at this point. Back in May, the Natives shared that they were writing their second album in a “vacant, dilapidated building” (undergoing repairs). Frazier said the Natives are still writing parts of the new album at that location. The Natives also announced they had built a studio during their Lollapalooza 2011 performance, but Frazier noted they had not seriously begun recording yet. While he said there was no set release date, he estimated the time frame to be about a year. The Natives have three additional tour dates left (see below).
Tour Dates
12.3 | Bill Graham Civic Auditorium | San Francisco, CA
12.4 | Austin Music Hall | Austin, TX
12.6 | Aragon Ballroom | Chicago
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