After four previous days of MusicfestNW, the 2011 festival wound down with just a handful of acts at Portland’s Pioneer Square. Fortunately, more beautiful weather held through to complete the long weekend. Additionally, Band of Horses laid down a fan-fuckin-tastic set to end the festival.
(Photos and Videos by Matthew Brady)

Morning Teleportation
As another of the band’s who have released one of our favorite albums of 2011, Morning Teleportation’s set came with great anticipation. They’re fun, dancey, diverting tunes were well at home for the warm Sunday afternoon in Pioneer Square. The young guys, who recently moved to Portland, were more than enjoying themselves and seemed delighted to have the chance to play. Their quick changes, eclectic styles and energetic jams were very well received by a crowd that was surprisingly small (see pic below). That was a shame because MT came prepared and killed it. Check out our interview with them right here.

Cass McCombs Band
Cass McCombs dropped an excellent record earlier this year with Wit’s End. That record was stunning for its minimalism, timing and empty space. Unfortunately, the massive space of Pioneer Square’s outdoor venue, all of its dead space and a chatty afternoon crowd were not the best place for a live translation of that record. Even still, the finer points of Cass’ music came through and he certainly deserved the Primetime stage time, it’s just a bummer that one of Musicfest’s 17 other venues couldn’t have catered to his style.

Band of Horses
Oh Band of Horse, how I love you dearly. The beard rock Southerners brought their A-game to Pioneer Square to close out MusicfestNW 2011. A completely packed square, from stage to the highest seats, were in eager anticipation for the indie darlings tunes. Leadman Ben Bridwell noted that while it was indeed a special anniversary of 9.11, it was also the four year anniversary of finding out he was having a daughter (in Portland no less). If there was one word to describe BoH’s set, it would be “charm”. The guys were having more fun than the crowd, which was saying a lot, and they managed to make Pioneer Square feel like a garage. They played songs off Cease to Begin, Everything All The Time and Infinite Arms with ease. Bridwell kept the jokes coming, noted how his “shredded wheat voices” sounded like “dolphins having sex” and poked fun at his own song writing. Easily one of the best sets of the weekend. Check out the videos below and our interview with guitarist Tyler Ramsey.